This is my Swift project portfolio

Main projects

#1 記帳 Spend Tracker

紀錄收入支出項目,並將數據儲存於CoreData裡面,在使用第三方library Charts將支出項目圓餅圖視覺化

<aside> 🗽 Table view with both dynamic and static cell Data transfer between view controllers(segue/unwind segue) Saving data with Core Data SPM 3rd party library - Charts


GitHub - KrauserHuang/SpendTracker


#2 Covid19 observer

藉由Covid API利用搜尋國家抓取當天案例與全部案例,並用第三方library Charts將新增數利用line chart顯示出來

<aside> 🗽 Protocol/Delegation to configure JSON data Custom CAGradientLayer & UIView AlertController plus textField, pass it to your model to fetch data CocoaPods: SDWebImage to load image SPM 3rd party library - Charts


GitHub - KrauserHuang/Covid19

Pink 3D Mockups Sales Pitch Sales Presentation.jpg